Our Co-Conspirator of the Week - Neil Dusuki

Meet Neil Dusuki, our Co-Conspirator for Purpose and Brand Strategy.

Neil is an independent Brand & Marketing Strategist with over 16 years of experience at some of the world’s most iconic brands and creative agencies in London, Shanghai, and Los Angeles. 

In his Big Tech days, he had the privilege of helping Apple launch into entertainment. Today, he is more interested in making important solutions sexy than making people fall in love with technology. 

That’s why he partners with courageous leaders at the intersection of Tech, Sustainability, and Wellbeing to transform their brands, businesses, and impact.

He brings strategy and storytelling with the power to change hearts and minds, permeate culture, and drive real-world action. In the process, he helps build brands that matter, communities that care, and accelerate our transition to a livable future for all.

Neil Dusuki

Neil Dusuki, Conspiracy of Love Co-Conspirator for Purpose and Brand Strategy

What’s a Purpose driven brand or business you admire and why?

I admire Tesla for accomplishing its audacious mission to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport. Not only has it made them the most valuable car brand in the world and pushed legacy brands to fast-track their EV roadmap, but all Tesla drivers jointly avoided emitting ~13.4 million metric tons of CO2 into the Earth’s atmosphere. Actions speak louder than ads.

What podcasts do you find inspirational? 

Shanker Vedantam’s outstanding podcast Hidden Brain and especially this recent episode on how cultivating a personal purpose benefits all areas of our lives. It provides an insightful blueprint for activating Purpose across organizational cultures. Organizations learn and operate much like people.  

What's one piece of advice you have for Purpose-driven leaders based on your experience?

To change the outcome, we need to change the incentives. A higher-order Purpose should become the organizing principle and decision filter for your organization’s goals, which in return will create new incentives and ultimately better outcomes. The moment to build momentum is now because problems tend to get worse the older they get. 

What are your passions and deeds beyond the Conspiracy of Love?

Outside of Conspiracy of Love, I do more of what I do at Conspiracy of Love. I partner with courageous leaders at the intersection of Tech, Sustainability, and Wellbeing to transform their brands, businesses, and impact. As a Strategist, I'm also a Storyteller who loves our home planet which is why I've recently been thinking about how climate stories need to change for them to permeate culture and accelerate action. I recently shared my ideas in this AdAge Op-ed.

Meet our Conspiracy of Love Co-Conspirators.

Lucia Slezakova

Born in Slovakia, Lucia is now settled in Prague, having lived, studied, and worked in Germany, Australia, and the US.

Lucia has excelled at project management, sustainability, and communications roles within large multinationals such as PwC, Samsung, and Coca-Cola HBC, as well as small start-ups.

It is her passion for bringing awareness to the most innovative, inspirational, and impactful stories around the globe that attracted Lu to her current role heading up marketing and communications for Conspiracy of Love.

Lucia is a sports and food enthusiast, constantly on the lookout for new adventures, and also a proud co-founder of a little design studio.


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